![[Report] Schedule for Epoch 348](http://ada-candy-stakepool.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/キャンディーちゃん_エポック報告2.jpg)

I am Haniwa, a cool engineer at CANDY POOL.
I’m Candy, the cute idol of CANDY POOL.

This is a familiar schedule report every time.
Epoch has changed, hasn’t it? How was the schedule for this epoch?

There is a block generation schedule!

Yes!!! Another chance to generate two blocks!

“Ideal” is getting serious!
By the way, what is “Ideal”?

I mean ideal.
Are you saying that it generates 0.76 blocks per epoch?

That kind of thing. Didn’t you ever really get it?
Yeah, I was thinking that if the numbers were big enough, it would be great.

It’s great. I could eat several candies every day.
I’m not that candy crazy!

He is also cute when he is angry.

I’m kidding.
Cute is a joke too?

It’s cute, it’s true.
very well.

(I was going to tease you, but I almost stepped on a land mine.)
Medium boss is going out for a drink this weekend and he said he would invite Haniwa too, are you going?

I can’t go because I have some errands to run.
I wish I could have gone.
I see, that’s too bad. I think I’ll go to bed early today.

Yes, I know, I’ll be able to do that. I’ll have to put in a little info about the next HF.
Hard fork?
Very sturdy forks? Some spoons?

No, not really. I’ll explain again.
Yes, please use words that even I can understand.

Well, that’s all for today.
Have a good staking life, everyone.