I am Haniwa, a cool technical member of CANDY POOL.
I’m Candy, the cute idol of CANDY POOL.
Sorry for the slow pace of block generation reporting.
We are now at Epoch 425 and will report the schedule.
Haniwa has been lazy lately.
You may say that I am lazy.
But rest assured that I am not lazy to maintenance.
I don’t think there’s any reassuring factor.
I will start with the block generation report from Epoch 422.
Epoch 423 was a candy vacation.
It’s a bit of a bumpy ride, with a couple of empty epochs and then a couple of blocks generated.
I’m glad you’re not going to be off all the time.
And what was the schedule for the next Epoch 425?
One chance.
Is there something funny about it?
Was “Luck” 95% when the block generation schedule was one?
I think it used to be closer to 100%.
How did you notice that?
It’s decreasing slightly.
The amount of staking has been increasing, though only slightly, due to remittances to staking addresses and the addition of staking rewards.
I see!
Even if the number of delegates doesn’t increase, it can increase this way.
Once again, thank you to all of you who are staking out our business.
We look forward to many more years of staking.
Best regards.
Have a good staking life, everyone.