![[Report] Schedule for Epoch 407](http://ada-candy-stakepool.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/キャンディーちゃん_エポック報告1-1.jpg)

I am Haniwa, a cool technical member of CANDY POOL.
I’m Candy, the cute idol of CANDY POOL.

This is the familiar block generation result & schedule report every time.
Epoch 406 was a vacation for CANDY POOL, what about Epoch 407’s block generation schedule?

You get two chances.
I’m relieved, but at the same time, I’d love a chance to generate blocks at every epoch.

That’s right. It’s not a problem we can control, but that’s what I think.
I saw some medium boss playing with something called LineFi, do you know what it is?

Yeah, I found out when my middle boss sent me an egg.
Looks like DApps that use the Ethereum network.
Hmmm (unintelligible)

I haven’t figured out how to play it yet, though, because I’ve only skimmed through it.
The middle boss missed the ride! I said.

Maybe they couldn’t access it on the first day of release.
I don’t know. I think I got an arrow in the knee.
Arrow in the knee?

Never mind.
So that’s about it for today.
Have a good staking life, everyone.