This is Haniwa, a Candy Pool Technical Department member.
I’m Candy

Today’s CANDY POOL Public Relations Department to Blockchain EXPO
I will introduce the results of the infiltration investigation.
展示会名:Nextech Week2021(秋)
第2回 AI・人工知能EXPO【秋】
第2回 ブロックチェーンEXPO【秋】
第2回 量子コンピューティングEXPO【秋】
同時開催展:第1回 XR総合展【秋】
会期:2021年10月27日(水)~29日(金)10:00 ~ 17:00
主催:RX Japan株式会社
It looks like it was crowded.

As a member of the press in order to take a picture of Mr. Charles without hesitation
I applied for it, but it turned out that I could not come to Japan just before.
How the PR staff is depressed is 14 epochs continuous block
It looked bigger than when there was no generation, right?

Please take the atmosphere of the venue taken by the public relations staff.
It looks like some of the photos posted here are taking more photos and videos.
I’ve received additional photos from the public relations staff, so I’ll post them. 11/5

Other people put together the contents of Mr. Charles’s lecture well.
How was Cardano born in an online lecture from Ethiopia
What kind of vision does Mr. Charles himself draw
The idea of Cardano, PoS, Catalyst, and new technology, Hydra seems to have been talked about.
I don’t know the meaning of candy.

The time will come when you will know about it.
Do you know Haniwa?

o-o-of course!

While supporting Charles’s vision as CANDY POOL
We aim to be a pool where you can liven up Cardano.
Oh, I diverted.

So today is around here.
It was sent by Haniwa, a technical member of CANDY POOL.
Have a good staking life.