![[CANDY BLOG]Node Updaaaaaatte!!](http://ada-candy-stakepool.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/きゃんでぃーちゃん-e1635429016196.jpg)

I’m Haniwa, a member of the Technology Department at CANDY POOL.
I’m Candy, the idol of CANDY POOL.
What’s with this lame title?

I think momentum is important!
I think the momentum is going in the wrong direction…

At any rate, the node update was completed successfully.
Haniwa is as good as it gets!

[Music]TAKUMI – Takumi Matsutani

CANDY POOL occasionally runs out of breath…. Maybe that’s why the block generation Sometimes I would lose only one or two. I’d lose slot battles or get ahead of them in propagation speed.
I would fail to generate blocks. POOL could not hide such fatigue.

What a surprise!
CANDY POOL. reborn by the hands of Haniwa.
The trademark CANDY has regained its original glow, full of motivation to generate blocks at any time.
What the hell are you doing …
Just because I updated it doesn’t mean that it will generate more blocks.

I’ll inject some fighting spirit into that parched body again~!

Please don’t. I’ll die.
Haniwa may be a technician, but she does what she has to do.
Don’t worry, everyone.

The update was performed late last night.
I hope you can rest assured that the block generation was successful at the end of the night.

If you have any doubts or questions, don’t hesitate to send me a DM on Twitter!

Well, that’s it for today.
Have a good staking life.