I am Haniwa, a cool technical member of CANDY POOL.
This is Candy, the cute idol of CANDY POOL.
Sorry for the delay.
This is the familiar block generation result & schedule report every time.
You’re very late!
I’ve moved on to Epoch 381, did Epoch 380 succeed in generating all the blocks?
Yes, all blocks were successfully generated.
That’s good, that’s good.
And the schedule for the current Epoch 381 is as follows
You have two chances to generate a block again this time.
You have already succeeded in generating one block because of your late report.
That’s fine, you’re successful~.
And this block…it’s very, very big.
What do you mean?
The box is about to be ripped out.
The box is pretty big!
They say the box is 98% full.
Furthermore, I had lost in rock-paper-scissors in a previous epoch because GHOSTED, so called, schedule was covered by other pools, but I won this block in rock-paper-scissors.
Even Haniwa can win at rock-paper-scissors-scissors.
No, so it is not Haniwa who is playing rock-paper-scissors-paper.
I felt sorry that CANDY POOL, which was taking it easy, won, even though the other pool was much faster in propagation.
That’s how the world of competition works.
The Cardano network is by no means a competitive world, though.
Well, that’s about it for today.
Have a good staking life, everyone.