I am Haniwa, a cool technical member of CANDY POOL.
I’m Candy, the cute idol of CANDY POOL.
This is the familiar block generation result & schedule report every time.
Was Epoch 372 able to generate blocks as planned?
Block generation was completed on schedule.
Again, the third block was an empty box.
It’s unexpected, isn’t it?
In a pool that makes a lot of blocks in one epoch, maybe empty boxes are a common occurrence.
So what about the current Epoch 373 block generation schedule?
There are two block generation opportunities.
It’s not a lot of chances to generate blocks, but you are able to generate them without mistakes.
Thanks to Haniwa. Do you want me to say that?
I’m just doing the obvious.
Your face is getting sloppy.
That… that’s not true.
Well, I’m running out of material, so I guess that’s it for today?
I’m going to say something quick and harsh, but you’re right, so I can’t say anything.
So I’ll leave it at that for today.
Have a good staking life, everyone.