I am Haniwa, an engineer at CANDY POOL.
I’m Candy, the idol of CANDY POOL.
It’s time for the ever-familiar Epoch Report & Schedule Report.
The epoch will change shortly, but was there a schedule assignment for the next epoch?
We have a schedule!
Glad to hear it!
I am really happy.
Now if only ADA could get another \120 or something.
I agree. We just have to be patient.
Compared to the recent fall, things are going up.
That’s true, too.
I hope you all like CARDANO and ADA and delegate to CANDY POOL if possible, though.
Please invest in a wide range of investments, not just virtual currencies, so that when the crash hits, you don’t crash to your mood.
When it comes to investment, it seems to me that it’s instantly more difficult.
I still find it difficult myself. But even when it comes to money, if I can put it in terms of investment… I think that the act of spending money is often an investment (mainly in oneself) in the end.
Spending money is mostly about buying things and services, but what is the purpose beyond the purchase of goods and services? Food may be an investment in one’s health, and goods may be an investment in one’s knowledge.
I guess that’s what I’ve been told.
So what is the purpose of buying virtual currency or stocks?
…I spoke about something that doesn’t even make a bit of sense.
Is this a meaningless story?
I was expecting to hear some nice stories about Haniwa from now on.
I just stretched the scale to avoid the same content all the time.
What a disappointment.
So that’s about it for today.
Have a good staking life, everyone.